Sophon Style Python Docstrings

This is a module named, which represents how to write the docstrings of module, function, class and method.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Short description of module.

Long description of module.
Can be multiline.

def example_create(name, age=0, sex='male', **kwargs):
    """Short description of function.

    Long description of function.
    Can be multiline too.

    # Arguments
        name: `any`. Description of name.
        age: `int`. Description of age. Defaults to zero.
            If it is multiline then must indent the following lines.
        sex: `str`. Description of sex. Defaults to 'male'.
        **kwargs: `dict`.

    # Return
        `Person`: an instance object of `Person` class with given information.

    # Note
        Here is note.

    # Examples
        Here is examples.
        jzm = example_create('jzm')
        batman = example_create('Bruce Wayne', 28, 'male')


Class Person(object):
    """Short description of class.

    Long description of class.
    Can be multiline too.

    # Arguments
        name: `any`. Description of name.
        age: `int`. Description of age. Defaults to zero.
            If it is multiline then must indent the following lines.
        sex: `str`. Description of sex. Defaults to 'male'.
        **kwargs: `dict`.

    # Note
        Here is note.

    # Examples
        Here is examples.
        jzm = Person('jzm')
        batman = Person('Bruce Wayne', 28, 'male')


    def __init__(self, name, age=0, sex='male', **kwargs):

    def speak(self, message):
        """Short description of method.

        Long description of method.
        Can be multiline too.

        # Arguments
            message: `str`. Description of message.

        # Return

        # Note
            Here is note.

        # Examples
            Here is examples.
            batman = example_create('Bruce Wayne', 28, 'male')
            batman.speak('I am batman!')